Lifts in this modern world is a necessity which can be seen at almost every other building and with the onset of 21st century and boom in economy the demand for elevators at residences is also increasing.A Home lift differs from a general lift through its purpose and features, the main feature of a conventional lift is to carry large no of people with very high speed at low costs to generate profit Whereas the purpose of home lift is to provide comfort, quality and safety with best esthetics and alluring looks.

Hydraulic lifts have been generally deemed as a non-successful product in the India home elevator market because of a large number of local companies taking an attempt on it. The replacement of these lifts is very high. The large number of local lift manufacturers is due to the absence of proper safety standards in India. Different parts are being outsourced to other companies by these local manufacturers for the sake of price cut downs but they are compromised in safety. TK Access Solutions Home lifts are the only lifts that comply to European standards of safety

Owing to such strong compliance to safety, TK Access Solutions Home Lifts have the following features –
1. Availability of Trap door inside cabin
2. It should run-on single-phase power
3. There should not be any AC power supply inside the shaft
These are some of the standards that TK Access Solutions Home lifts comply to. Some short- and long-term benefits of integrating TK Access Solutions Home lifts
Short- and long-term benefits of TK Access Solutions HOME LIFTS – 1) Life of lift – Home lifts are meant to last 80-100 years without showing much errors which in case of commercial elevator is just 10-20 years
How home lifts are beneficial for your present and future

Safety parameters – Lifts at residences are meant for family thus Home lifts provide you with backup safety parameters and self-rescue system which is must for safety of family 3) Savings in Long term – Home lifts uses less power and the number of lift services in year is reduced thus within the first 10-15 years a huge amount of expenses is saved 4) Minimal CIVIL CONSTRUCTION – Home lifts are designed to be installed without any pit, headroom and size customization thus ensuring that these investment on civil construction and damage to property is zero 5) Looks and Aesthetics – Residential lifts are meant to be part of home thus the looks and features of lift are always a matter of concern thus the home lifts provide perfect solution to these concerns 6) Lack of restrictions- Generally a lift has warning that a child below 13 must now use it alone and many other restrictions which leads to concerns if those warnings are ignored thus a Home elevator provides a relief from these kind of tensions

How home lifts are beneficial for your present and future