Home elevators are to be treated as a part of your house and not as a machinery. In order for your home elevator to be of that standard, there are certain requirements that your elevator must comply by. Home elevators carry human lives and they should be treated as of the highest standard and it should provide such levels of safety and features to ensure that. Here are some basic requirements, your Home Elevator MUST fulfil
- Unlike commercial elevator home elevators are being used by everybody irrespective of the age or anything. So, the important factor should be the ease of using it, even though it is used by the children or elders.
- Being a home elevator, it should not be heavy machinery rather it should be compact.
- The home elevator should be such that it requires least amount of construction and doesn’t takes up a lot of space for its installation.
- In a home there is already a number of appliances like TV, AC, washing machine, Ovens, etc. which are high in energy consumption. So, the home elevator should be preferably low in energy consumption such that it should be operating on single phase power supply.
- Unlike commercial building constructing a pit in a home is sometimes difficult because in many instances the water tank or water storage is below the home in order to store the water through bore. In some instances, people might have Vaastu issue providing a pit in their homes, so a home elevator should not have a pit more than 150mm.
- In commercial elevator during the power cut the doors get closed in some cases, so to eliminate those situations each and every home elevator should have a trap door. So, any third person can easily rescue the trapped passenger without waiting for the company guys to arrive.
- Unlike commercial elevators the home elevator should not be having high maintenance, as in commercial building generally there are department for such issue and there are normally two elevators while one gets breakdown the passenger can use the other one which is not in the case of home elevator.
- Unlike commercial building we don’t have ample space while constructing a home, so the home elevator should be either compact in size or may be customizable.
- In the case of breakout and while rescuing any person through the trap door, the person using might have the proper knowledge of taking all the safety parameters like switching of the power supply etc. as they are not trained for it. So, the home elevator should be having any AC current running through the shaft.
Buyer mentality is sometimes inclined towards the interiors of the lift rather than the value of the mechanism it possesses. That is wrong. As mentioned in the above points, proper comprehension Commercial Elevators and Home Elevators differences should be there.
Elevators that are designed for homes are so compact, stylish, operates without noise and also can be operated even by small children. They are so safe. The home elevators in Chennai provides an easy access to the floors of the residential building to every individual without anyone’s help and support. These reasons and features have made our home elevators so popular among the people in India.